
Draw/2D Art
What Is Is?

Students practice, sketch, and manipulate the structural elements of art to improve mark making and/or the organizational principles of design in a composition from observation, research, and/or imagination. Through the critique process, students evaluate and respond to their own work and that of their peers. This course incorporates hands-on activities and consumption of art materials.

[email protected]

Steven Taylor
[email protected] 

Draw 2/Draw 3
What Is Is?

Students will recreate various art styles incorporating their own subject matter (with teacher approval). Students will incorporate the art process throughout each art lesson. Creating, analyzing, and writing about art are the main focus. Draw 2 focuses on gaining an in depth understanding of various materials and Art Movements that have shaped the art world. Prerequisite: Draw 1 or teacher portfolio review 

Ms. Moitoza
[email protected]