We offer Journalism 1-8 courses on campus. Journalism 2-8 students must take Journalism 1 and complete an application to be placed into the course. These students are part of the yearbook or newspaper staff, and produce the campus publications (Legend yearbook, Hilights newspaper and BoonePubs).
The yearbook is a student publication of William R. Boone High School created by students enrolled in the advanced journalism courses. We attempt to provide an overview of the activities and student life of Boone High School as well as a school photo for each student and faculty member. In doing so we may make errors in the reporting of these activities and names. For all errors we apologize. When errors are found prior to publication, they are corrected.
• If your student picture does not appear in the book, there will be no refunds.
• If your name is misspelled in the yearbook, please accept our sincere apologies, however, there will be no discounts or refunds in this event.
• If the book is damaged in any way, a new book will be issued if there is no writing or markings of any kind in or on the yearbook.
• Senior Ads: If a senior’s name is misspelled or there are any other discrepancies, there will be no refunds or discounts. (All advertisers receive a proof with 48 hours to approve the content.)
• The yearbook staff is not responsible for lost or stolen books. We will not refund any money or issue a new book in this matter.
We value our reader's opinions and concerns. Please submit your comment, concerns or complaints in writing and send an email to [email protected] or mail to the school at Mr. Mayes' attention. Of course we'd love to hear only positive feedback, we do need to know where we fell short too. Please provide a contact number or email so we may get back to you.

For additional information about the yearbook, contact Billy Mayes at [email protected] or [email protected]