What does NJROTC stand for?
Naval Junior Reserve Officers Training Corps
What experience are you required to have prior to joining NJROTC?
You are not required to have any experience in the military prior to joining NJROTC. In this course, you learn all there is to know about the military. If you are considering joining the military after high school, this course will guide you along that path, explaining all elements of the military and helping you to make a great impact in your self-confidence and discipline. If you decide instead to enter the civilian job market or a non-military oriented college, the leadership skills, self-discipline and self-confidence will continue to help you meet life’s challenges throughout your life.
Are you required to join the military after your time in NJROTC?
Service in the military after NJROTC is not mandatory, although it would be a great path to succeed. Cadets are under no obligation to join the armed services, although some actually enlist and/or become commissioned officers. Successful completion of the NJROTC program allows entry into certain branches of the armed forces at up to two pay grades higher than enlistees without NJROTC experience. With complete dedication and hard work, cadets fulfill their highest expectations and dreams. Cadets have been accepted into exceptionally high-rated universities and into military academies to become officers in the armed forces. Finally, there are many scholarships are available to those cadets that apply for college ROTC and the military academies, some worth in excess of $300,000.
What do you learn during your time in NJROTC?
The Naval Science curriculum is designed as a four year program. The program offers a combination of formal academic instruction, military skill development, and physical fitness training supplemented by ship visits, orientation visits, and other field trips to enhance classroom studies as well as an understanding of the military way of life. The NJROTC curriculum includes twenty four different subject areas from Naval orientation and seamanship to astronomy and oceanography, history from early western civilization to the 1990′s and beyond. Throughout, strong emphasis is placed on leadership, personal honor, self-reliance and self-discipline.
What are the uniform days and which uniform am I expected to wear?
A uniform, including shoes, is provided at no cost to every cadet. Except in rare circumstances, cadets are required to wear their uniform on Wednesdays. On uniform days, cadets must wear their uniform from the time they arrive at school until they depart at the end of the day. While cadets are authorized to change into physical fitness clothing for the period they have that class, they must change back into their uniform afterwards. Failure to wear a uniform in accordance with the above will result in a grade of 0 (out of 100 points) for that day.
Regular cleaning, care and up-keep of their uniform is the cadet’s responsibility. Upon completion of the program, cadets are required to have their uniform dry-cleaned and returned (w/the exception of their shoes) to the unit. Loss of or failure to return uniform items will result in an obligation being placed against the student; obligations can preclude students from participating in other school events.
Extra-curricular activities?
NJROTC has precision drill teams, color guards, air rifle teams and more. Participation in any of these events is voluntary and does not affect a cadet’s classroom grade. Each of these activities allows you the opportunity to earn ribbons, medals, trophies and other awards. In addition, social activities include an annual Military Ball and awards ceremony, picnics, BBQ’s and much more.