Foreign Language

ASL 1 | ASL 2 | French 1 | French 2 | French 3 | Spanish 1 |
Spanish 2 | Spanish 3 Honors | Spanish SPKS 1Spanish SPKS 2 

What Is It?
ASL I is an introductory course designed to teach basic conversational skills in ASL & an awareness of various aspects of deafness. This class will focus on expressive and receptive skills including grammatical & conversational skills in ASL and an intro to American Deaf culture. Weekly interactive activities and required class presentations allow you to practice what you have learned in class. 

Emily Smith
[email protected]

What Is It?

- Review and expand prior ASL I knowledge (Units 1-6)
- Expansion of vocabulary and range of topics
- Increase narrative and conversational fluency
- Compare aspects of ASL and English through translation exercises
- Compare aspects of the Deaf culture, American culture and your own cultures
- Understanding your role as an ASL student in the Deaf community

Emily Smith
[email protected]

French 1
What Is It?

French 1 introduces students to the target language and its culture. The student will develop communicative skills in all 3 modes of communication and cross-cultural understanding. Emphasis is placed on proficient communication in the language. An introduction to reading and writing is also included as well as culture, connections, comparisons, and communities. 

Dr. Mami
[email protected]

French 2
What Is It?

French 2 reinforces the fundamental skills acquired by the students in French 1. The course develops increased listening, speaking, reading, and writing skills as well as cultural awareness. Specific content to be covered is a continuation of listening and oral skills acquired in French 1. Reading and writing receive more emphasis, while oral communication remains the primary objective. The cultural survey of the target language-speaking people is continued. Prerequisite: French 1

Dr. Mami
[email protected]

French 3
What Is It?

French 3 provides mastery and expansion of skills acquired by the students in French 2. Specific content includes, but is not limited to, expansions of vocabulary and conversational skills through discussions of selected readings. Contemporary vocabulary stresses activities which are important to the everyday life of the target language-speaking people. Prerequisites: French 1 and 2

Dr. Mami
[email protected]

Spanish 1
What Is It?

Spanish 1 introduces students to the target language and its culture. The student will develop communicative skills in all 3 modes of communication and cross-cultural understanding. Emphasis is placed on proficient communication in the language. An introduction to reading and writing is also included as well as culture, connections, comparisons, and communities.

Christine Kasper Swift
[email protected]

Patricia Marin-Gonzalez
[email protected] 

Spanish 2
What Is It?
Spanish 2 reinforces the fundamental skills acquired by the students in Spanish 1. The course develops increased listening, speaking, reading, and writing skills as well as cultural awareness. Specific content to be covered is a continuation of listening and oral skills acquired in Spanish 1. Reading and writing receive more emphasis, while oral communication remains the primary objective. The cultural survey of the target language-speaking people is continued. Prerequisite: Spanish 1

Priscilla Carrera
[email protected] 

Spanish 3 Honors
What Is It?

Spanish 3 provides mastery and expansion of skills acquired by the students in Spanish 2. Specific content includes, but is not limited to, expansions of vocabulary and conversational skills through discussions of selected readings. Contemporary vocabulary stresses activities which are important to the everyday life of the target language-speaking people. You are going to learn poems and songs in Spanish. Prerequisites: Spanish 1 and Spanish 2.

Patricia Marin-Gonzalez
[email protected] 

Spanish 1 SPKS
What Is It?

The purpose of this course is to enable students whose heritage language is Spanish to develop, maintain, and enhance proficiency in their heritage language by reinforcing and acquiring skills in listening, speaking, reading, and writing, including the fundamentals of Spanish grammar. Language Arts Standards are also included in this course to enable students to become literate in the Spanish language and gain a better understanding of the nature of their own language as well as other languages to be acquired. The course content will reflect the cultural values of Spanish language and societies. 

Patricia Marin-Gonzalez
[email protected] 

Spanish 2 SPKS
What Is It?

The purpose of this course is to enable students whose heritage language is Spanish to develop, maintain, and enhance proficiency in their heritage language by reinforcing and acquiring skills in listening, speaking, reading, and writing, including the fundamentals of Spanish grammar skills acquired in Spanish SPKS 1. Students are exposed to a variety of Spanish literary genres and authors. Prerequisite: Spanish SPKS 1.

Mrs. Edna Irizarry
[email protected]