Transcript for the above video:
Hello awesome Braves!
This is going to be an amazing, incredible year!
Here are some of the things we think will help prepare you for high school. Our school is 1:1, which means every student gets a laptop. Laptops can be picked up at Braves are Back or during the first week of school.
All of our courses are done through Canvas.
More information about academics can be found under “Academics” on the Boone website.
We hope that while you are here you will get involved. We have over 55 student organizations!
Please visit the Boone Athletics website for more information on sports including dates and physical information.
Boone has so much to offer but in order to participate in any activities, you must be a student in good standing. This means a GPA above a 2.0, positive behavior, and no financial obligations or holds.
We follow the OCPS Student Code of Conduct.
We track discipline through HERO. Information on accounts can be found under “Parents” on the Boone website.
More information on our expectations and discipline team can be found under “Discipline” on the Boone website.
Now to pick our classes:
Make sure all personal information is complete at the top. On the left you will select your core classes.
First, consider the courses you’re currently in. If you’re in an advanced or honors level class, you will likely want to take honors for that subject next year.
If you are unsure, make your best judgement. Your school counselor will also evaluate your placement based on your current grades and test scores to help you find the best fit.
You will choose 6 elective options on the right, ranking them 1-6 with #1 being your top choice. Please note: magnet courses are only for students in the magnet program.
If you need more information on our electives, we encourage you to check out our Course Catalog. Here, you will find a complete description on each course we offer.
Start school on-top of things by visiting the school website for information on summer assignments and events. Braves are Back is not mandatory, but it does give students an opportunity to get their school laptop, student ID, and tentative schedule.
That’s it! Welcome to Boone!
If you have any remaining questions, please contact your school counselor directly. Their emails can be found on the Boone website under “guidance.”
We are looking forward to an awesome year with you all!