Algebra 1 and Honors
In Algebra 1, instructional time will emphasize five areas: (1) performing operations with polynomials and radicals, and extending the Laws of Exponents to include rational exponents; (2) extending understanding of functions to linear, quadratic and exponential functions and using them to model and analyze real-world relationships; (3) solving quadratic equations in one variable and systems of linear equations and inequalities in two variables; (4) building functions, identifying their key features and representing them in various ways and (5) representing and interpreting categorical and numerical data with one and two variables.
Geometry and Honors
In Geometry, instructional time will emphasize five areas: (1) proving and applying relationships and theorems involving two-dimensional figures using Euclidean geometry and coordinate geometry; (2) establishing congruence and similarity using criteria from Euclidean geometry and using rigid transformations; (3) extending knowledge of geometric measurement to two-dimensional figures and three-dimensional figures; (4) creating and applying equations of circles in the coordinate plane and (5)developing an understanding of right triangle trigonometry.
Algebra 2
n Algebra 2, instructional time will emphasize five areas: (1) extending arithmetic operations with algebraic expressions to include radical and rational expressions and polynomial division; (2) graphing and analyzing functions including polynomials, absolute value, radical, rational, exponential and logarithmic; (3) building functions using compositions, inverses and transformations; (4) extending systems of equations and inequalities to include non-linear expressions and (5) developing understanding of the complex number system, including complex numbers as roots of polynomial equations.
Algebra 2 Honors
In Algebra 2 Honors, instructional time will emphasize six areas: (1) developing understanding of the complex number system, including complex numbers as roots of polynomial equations; (2) extending arithmetic operations with algebraic expressions to include polynomial division, radical and rational expressions; (3) graphing and analyzing functions including polynomials, absolute value, radical, rational, exponential and logarithmic; (4) extending systems of equations and inequalities to include non-linear expressions; (5)building functions using compositions, inverses and transformations and (6) developing understanding of probability concepts.
PreCalculus Honors
In Precalculus Honors, instructional time will emphasize six areas: (1) extending right triangle trigonometry to unit circle trigonometry and trigonometric functions; (2) extending understanding of functions to trigonometric; (3) developing understanding of conic sections; (4) representing and performing operations with complex numbers and vectors in the coordinate plane; (5) extending understanding of relations in the plane using parametric representations, including polar coordinates and (6) analyzing arithmetic and geometric sequences and series.
Mathematics for College Liberal Arts
In Mathematics for College Liberal Arts, instructional time will emphasize five areas: (1) analyzing and applying linear and exponential functions within a real-world context; (2) utilizing geometric concepts to solve real-world problems; (3) extending understanding of probability theory; (4) representing and interpreting univariate and bivariate data and (5) developing understanding of logic and set theory.
All clarifications stated, whether general or specific to Mathematics for College Liberal Arts, are expectations for instruction of that benchmark.
Curricular content for all subjects must integrate critical-thinking, problem-solving, and workforce-literacy skills; communication, reading, and writing skills; mathematics skills; collaboration skills; contextual and applied-learning skills; technology-literacy skills; information and media-literacy skills; and civic-engagement skills.
Mathematics for Data and Financial Literacy
n Mathematics for Data and Financial Literacy, instructional time will emphasize five areas: (1) extending knowledge of ratios, proportions and functions to data and financial contexts; (2) developing understanding of basic economic and accounting principles; (3) determining advantages and disadvantages of credit accounts and short- and long-term loans; (4) developing understanding of planning for the future through investments, insurance and retirement plans and (5) extending knowledge of data analysis to create and evaluate reports and to make predictions.
All clarifications stated, whether general or specific to Mathematics for Data and Financial Literacy, are expectations for instruction of that benchmark.
Curricular content for all subjects must integrate critical-thinking, problem-solving, and workforce-literacy skills; communication, reading, and writing skills; mathematics skills; collaboration skills; contextual and applied-learning skills; technology-literacy skills; information and media-literacy skills; and civic-engagement skills.
Mathematics for College Algebra
In Mathematics for College Algebra, instructional time will emphasize five areas: (1) developing fluency with the Laws of Exponents with numerical and algebraic expressions; (2) extending arithmetic operations with algebraic expressions to include rational and polynomial expressions; (3) solving one-variable exponential, logarithmic, radical and rational equations and interpreting the viability of solutions in real-world contexts; (4) modeling with and applying linear, quadratic, absolute value, exponential, logarithmic and piecewise functions and systems of linear equations and inequalities; (5) extending knowledge of functions to include inverse and composition.
All clarifications stated, whether general or specific to Mathematics for College Algebra, are expectations for instruction of that benchmark.
Curricular content for all subjects must integrate critical-thinking, problem-solving, and workforce-literacy skills; communication, reading, and writing skills; mathematics skills; collaboration skills; contextual and applied-learning skills; technology-literacy skills; information and media-literacy skills; and civic-engagement skills.