CJ Course Progression
CJ Information Letter
CJ Information Memo
How to Apply Valencia Credits Earned Upon Graduation
Successful completion of all four Criminal Justice Classes can result in 16 college credits. Community Service is an integral part of this curriculum. Membership in Boone Criminal Justice enables the student to earn community service hours for course credit and Florida Bright Futures Scholarship Program. Membership also mandates that the student participate in some Law Enforcement activities such as guest speakers, field trips, and immersive experiences. Students must be law obeying and adhere to the strict integrity policy needed of those in public service.
Criminal Justice Magnet Progression
Criminal Justice I Grade 9
This course introduces the students to the history, goals, and career opportunities in the Criminal Justice Profession. It also covers ethics and professionalism, criminal laws, court and trial process, juvenile justice system, and the correctional system. Students will also be instructed on communication and employability skills.
Criminal Justice II Grade 10
This course is to introduce students to the characteristics and procedures of the many divisions within a police agency. The Patrol Division, Criminal Investigative Division, and Community Policing Division are studied in depth. Other topics include Gangs and Persons Investigations. Students will complete written police reports and conduct a traffic crash investigation. There is a rigorous block of Constitutional Law during this course. At the end of this course, students will learn CPR and First Aid as well as procedures to protect themselves from blood-borne pathogens.
Criminal Justice III Grade 11
This course is to introduce the students to crime scene safety, conducting criminal investigations, conducting forensic processing, tactical communication, property control procedures and crime prevention programs. Students will study terrorism and the importance of understanding human/cultural diversity in the Criminal Justice System and our community. This course of study will include classroom presentations by various law enforcement personnel on the above listed topics. The students complete an intensive Federal Law Enforcement Research Project during the third quarter. At the end of the junior year, all Criminal Justice students take a Valencia Community of College Comprehensive Exam to earn college credit at the end of the magnet program their senior year if they score 70% or better on the examination.
Law Enforcement Related Activities
A requirement of students enrolled in the Criminal Justice Magnet Program is satisfactory participation in the law enforcement related activities provided by Boone HS’s law enforcement partner, the Orlando Police Department. These activities will be directly related to the instructional curriculum. Students in the Boone HS Criminal Justice Magnet Program will be required to wear their issued uniform on required days and students will be subject to uniform, hair, and grooming standards.
Students that would like additional exposure to the law enforcement career field are invited to apply for the Orlando Police Department Public Safety Cadet Program. Cadets in this program meet weekly and participate in periodic weekend trainings and summer competitions. This program offers the student additional opportunities to experience the law enforcement discipline of the Criminal Justice System and provides an environment where physical fitness and individual leadership can be developed.
Dual Enrollment
CCJ 1010 Introduction to Criminology
Study of nature and extent of the crime and delinquency, causes and explanations of criminal behavior and rational of crime control and treatment in the United States. This course includes learning activities designed to ensure competence in the basic use of computers.
CJC 2000. Introduction to Corrections
INTRODUCTION TO CORRECTIONS Introductory study of corrections to provide students with an overall view of the nature, philosophy, operations and goals of secure and non-secure correctional institutions.