What to Expect
- Develop a concept of good vocal production (pleasant tone quality, proper intonation, accurate diction, and adequate breath support) and the ability to listen with discrimination
- Develop music reading ability
- Develop and demonstrate expressive choral music techniques and qualities
- Develop confidence in singing and performing by practicing performance etiquette
- Develop and understand teamwork and what it means to be a member of a group
Multiple PA Conflicts
In most cases, no. Classes are strategically scheduled to prevent conflicts. In rare cases, conflicts simply cannot be avoided. After school rehearsals/performances will never conflict as both programs have a shared calendar updated frequently.
Financial Requirement
Money will never be a reason for turning a student away from our classes. Financial assistance is not guaranteed, but there are many fundraising opportunities offered throughout the year. Communication of needed assistance is crucial.
After School Requirements
Yes, according to the FDOE course descriptions, rehearsals and performances may be required for all performing arts classes out-side of regular school hours.
A positive attitude! There is no formal prerequisite, and no singing experience is necessary as all new students will be placed in the primary level of Chorus. Students wanting to audition for a higher level can schedule an audition with Mr. Pollard by sending an email.
Mr. Pollard, Choral Director
[email protected]
Mrs. Stoermer, Associate Choral Director
[email protected]