Future Farmers of America (FFA)

FFA - Agricultural Education

Boone High School and the Agriculture Science CTE program are proud to announce that Boone now has a local FFA chapter in association with the Florida FFA and the National FFA.  

Boone FFA is currently seeking the following:

  • Agriculture students who wish to become members or hold a leadership position in the organization
  • Adults who wish to volunteer to serve as judges for candidate selection, chaperon field trips and/or provide assistance with fundraisers
  • Community leaders who wish to serve on the candidate selection board or who wish to donate their time, service, or funds to the Boone FFA chapter

Contact Information:

Contact Wendy Ernest for more information.

 [email protected]  or 407-893-7200  ext.6012609


To volunteer, you must be approved through ADDitions.

To apply, go to https://ocps.samaritan.com/custom/503/


To pay student membership dues or to make a donation;

 Go to https://www.schoolpay.com/  and look under Boone then Boone FFA