Successful Student Profile
- On grade level for reading (Level 3+ on FAST)
Character and Presentation
- Do the right thing all the time
- Tell the truth
- On time to class
- No history of Level 3 or 4 referrals
- No history of negative contacts with law enforcement
Personal Presentation
- Willing to buy and wear a uniform to school once a week.
- Grooming Standards while in required Uniform
- Grooming: Cadets will be clean and well-groomed when in uniform.
- Hair Requirements:
- Males - must be tapered above the ears and collar, and cut above the eyebrows. Any style may not be higher than 1 inch on top of the head.
- Females - hair touching the shoulders shall be pulled back in a single ponytail or a single braid.
- Jewelry: Necklaces must not be visible. A watch and a ring on each ring finger are permitted. Females may wear one pair of post earrings in gold or silver.
- Tattoos: No tattoos may be visible while in uniform.